Monday 3 February 2014

The Liebster Award!

Not been blogging for long and it feels good that people who have no idea who you are actually read the silly little things you write on here! The sweet Isabel from I is for Isabel has nominated little old me for the award! 
From what I have googled its an award given to bloggers by bloggers and is aimed at the newbies to give them more recognition and followers! There seem to be only a few simple rules these are: 
1. Thank the person that nommed you! (of courseee) and post a link to their blog in yours.
2.Display the award on your blog ^^^^^^
3. answer the 11 questions set by the tagger.
4. nominate more blogs with less than 200 followers and create 11 questions for those to answer!

Simple really! And a great way of finding new and interesting blogs that you may have never found before! So here goes with the quezzies!

1. If you could dye your hair any other colour, what would it be?
AHHH, i have been most hair colours under the sun and if I did not work at Sainsburys I would have candyfloss pink hair! I have been good and not dyed my hair in 9 months after frazzling it with bleach in my blonde days and dying it every week when it was red. Trying to love it more :)

2. When you're not blogging, what do you do for fun?
I love the gym. I like to be able to shove my headphones in, listen to some music and sweat my arse off. I also enjoy going to the cinema and enjoy drawing alot. I also love to read!

3. On a big night out, are heels a must?
NOOOO! Heels + alcohol are not a good mix! I much prefer to wear chunky boot heels with jeans or a cute dress in the day time when I feel more in control than on a night out! Flats FTW!

4. What is your favourite item of clothing you own?
My *cough* fake *cough* leather jacket from Miss Selfridge. I wear it all the time and I just feel that you can wear it with pretty much anything to give your outfit a little bit of an edge.

5. Where would you love to be right now?
Somewhere hot, where the sun is shining and I can just lay out, get a tan and just feel relaxed. I do not do well in winter months.

6. What is a name you really hate?
Cannot stand names like Chardonnay or all these crazy celebrity fads of calling their child after a fruit or some random animal. Its just like why can't we stick to the classics?

7. Who is your celebrity idol right now?
Ohhhhh Katy Perry. I just want to be her. She is just perfection.

8. Guilty pleasure music?
Oh my, when I'm in one of those moods I tend to stick on all the Disney classics as well as all the High School Musical songs and good old Hannah Montana, despite being nearly 23, I'm still 11 at heart.

9. Name three essential items you need in your bag when you go out?
Okay first off is my tangle teaser. What a brilliant little hairbrush. Its so little and compact so will fit in my smaller bags on a night out and does wonders when my hair gets all knotty and grim.
I also must have chewing gum. I hate it when people get in my face and breath their stench on me, so I try not to do the same back. Just politeness really ;).
Third is eyeliner. I was debating between mascara and eyeliner, but eyeliner prevailed because that's more likely to fall off my face than the mascara. I have naturally long eyelashes so a couple of coats of mascara does me for the night, whereas my eyeliner likes to disappear off my water line.

10. Favourite dessert.
Chocolate fudge cake and ice cream from Pizza Express. Pure gorgeousness on a plate. I could eat there everyday for the rest of my life.

11. Describe an ideal weekend.
Hmmm, wake up and have something yummy for breakfast like croissants and fresh orange juice. Spend copious amounts of money on things I really don't need. Go out for a lovely dinner, then chill for the rest of the weekend in my onesie watching films and drawing peoples faces!

I shall nominate.....
None of you have to do this, all a bit of fun! But thought I would pass it on!

Here are my questions::
1. One thing you can't leave the house without.
2. If you were a superhero, what super powers would you have?
3. On a night out would you grab a clutch bag or a over the shoulder strappy one?
4. Ridiculous/weird celebrity crush
5. Biggest achievement?
6. Cereal: better at breakfast or any other time of the day?
7. If you could be on the cover of a magazine, which one would you choose?
8. What is the nicest thing anyone has done for you?
9. If you could travel anywhere in the world right now, where would you go?
10. The one song you just can't get out of your head at the moment.
11.The one food you could never give up!

Thanks guys, remember you don't have to its all fun and games :)

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